Mr. Greene

Story One of Dead Moon Embers

Full Release: May 10

Shore Clearing Song Preview

The man eats the fish, and the fish eats the man.

Stay from the sea, keep with the plan.

We in the ships will hunt your next dish.

The fish eats the man, and the man eats the fish.

To enter these waters, is to become a fish on the ground.

The fish will smell, and the fish will surround.

Feasting, as much as they can.

The man eats the fish, and the fish eats the man.

But we, of the sea, will never be claimed.

Be sure to trust, we, the famed.

Trust in this crew, though we be crude and churlish

The fish eats the man, and the man eats the fish.

So, rest well, and be keen.

Heed the song of Mr. Greene.

By morning, you will thank our clan.

The man eats the fish, and the fish eats the man.

The man eats the fish, and the fish eats the man.


Dead Moon Embers: Sneak Peak Image